Friday, July 18, 2014

Vegetarian Meal Plan

Here is a meal plan for those who are vegetarian. Many of my friends are vegetarians. Feel free to add more foods in the comments.

½ cup of oatmeal: 150
1 banana: 50
1 tablespoon of peanut butter: 90
1 tsp of chia seeds: 24
Total: 314 calories

AM Snack:
Apple: 70
Mozzarella Cheese Stick: 80
Total: 150 calories

1 cup of steamed broccoli with lemon: 50
1 cup of cooked pasta: 210 (spaghetti squash would also be a good choice) 
¼ cup of marinara sauce: 30
1 tablespoon of parmesan cheese: 20
Total: 310 calories

PM snack:
2 hard boiled eggs: 140 calories
2 large carrots: 60 calories
Total: 200 calories

Chickpea soup (chickpeas, kale, tomatoes, chicken broth, salt, pepper): 200-300 calories
Slice of wheat bread/or one large cracker: 100 calories
Total: 400 calories

Extra Snack: Handful of almonds (23 almonds= 163 calories)

Total: 1537 Calories

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