Photo credit: Jenny
COFFEE TIME! One of the most important
parts of a busy workday. There are thousands of studies published regarding the
health benefits/risks of the consumption of the popular beverage. As both a
scientist and consumer, it always boggled my mind why many people regard coffee
as inherently unhealthy. Sure, if you load your coffee with lots of cream and
sugar, then it obviously won’t be as healthy; the same can be said if you were
to add lots of cream and sugar to a carrot. Although it’s not for everyone (such
as those with anxiety or insomnia), coffee has a variety of incredible
health benefits and is virtually calorie-free.
I once had a discussion with a colleague
who was convinced that coffee was fattening; her argument was that caffeinated
drinks are fattening and used cola as an example. This couldn’t be further from
the truth. Sure, excess sugar can lead to weight gain, but caffeine is a
chemical that has actually been shown to help reduce weight gain. Coffee is
only fattening if you supplement it with fattening additives.
According to the USDA nutrient database,
six ounces of brewed coffee contains 2 calories, 0.2 g protein, and virtually
no fat (0.04 g). Plain coffee will not make you fat.
Antioxidants and neuroprotective effects
Green tea seems to be known as being rich
in antioxidants, but many forget that coffee is too (black tea is also). A
growing abundance of studies supports the notion that coffee may help prevent
the onset of neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
Research initially pointed to caffeine as the potential component responsible
for these effects.
However, a study published in 2014
discovered that a component in coffee called eicosanoyl-5-hydroxytryptamide
provided protection from Alzheimer’s disease in rats. Dietary consumption of
this compound for 6-12 months significantly alleviated the defects associated
with their rat model for the disease. This discovery may answer (at least
partly) the link between coffee drinking and the decreased risk of developing
Alzheimer’s disease.[1]
Additionally, studies show that one of
the major compounds, chlorogenic acid (which is both an antioxidant and
anti-inflammatory compound), can be protective against the activation of
pro-inflammatory factors which can lead to neurodegenerative disorders.[2]
Another study demonstrated that antioxidants in coffee (particularly
5-O-caffeoylquinic acid) possessed neuroprotective properties and that
medium-roasting allows the greatest effects.[3]
Type-2 diabetes
Studies overwhelmingly support the
notion that long-term coffee consumption can help decrease the risk of type-2
diabetes by affecting the risk factors associated with its pathology including
glucose tolerance, glucose absorption and metabolism, inflammatory biomarkers,
insulin secretion, and others.[4]
Recent studies continue to support these claims including a study published in
June 2014 which showed that coffee consumption impaired weight gain while
improving glucose tolerance in a mouse model of type-2 diabetes.[5]
However, additional studies are required to determine if coffee should be
suggested as a supplement to patients who already have type-2 diabetes.
Coffee and cancer could be its own post
since there is so much that can be discussed. For this post, it will be kept
Basal cell carcinoma
A recent study found an inverse
association between caffeinated coffee and tea consumption and risk of basal
cell carcinoma. The study was relatively small scale (767 Caucasians under the
age of 40), but the results suggest that coffee and hot tea consumption can
reduce the risk of basal cell carcinoma up to 43%.[6]
Colon cancer
Several large scale studies have shown a
link between coffee consumption and decreased risk of colon cancer. It is
proposed that this is due coffee’s ability to help keep your bowel movements
regular. However, a recent large scale study analyzed over 58,000 individuals
in Japan and found that coffee consumption was associated with an increase of colon
cancer risk but only in Japanese men.[7]
Although caffeine has been shown to have
short-term effects on heart rate and blood pressure, a study was recently
published declaring that chlorogenic acid consumption may help decrease blood
Therefore, coffee consumption may decrease the risk of developing hypertension.
Risk of bone fracture
A study in Sweden found no association
between risk of fracture and consuming coffee daily (even more than 4 cups per
day), indicating that drinking coffee may not necessarily increase your risk of
bone fracture.[9]
Risk of death
Contrary to some other studies,
scientists recently published a study which found no increased risk of death
(whether cardiovascular related or not) in response to coffee consumption, even
as high as 6 cups per day or higher.[10]
Oral health
Numerous studies show the antimicrobial
effects of coffee specifically for killing oral bacteria and preventing biofilm
production. Coffee may stain your teeth, but recent studies suggest it may help
prevent cavities by killing the biofilm-causing bacteria in your mouth.[11]
So the next time your boss gets on your
case for taking too many coffee breaks, just tell him/her you are prudently
saving yourself from a variety of dangerous diseases.
-Dr. David
Basurto-Islas et al. Neurobiol Aging.
2014 Jun 17. pii: S0197-4580(14)00431-X.
Shen et al. Brain Res Bull. 2012 Aug
Jeong et al. Prev Nutr Food Sci. 2013
Akash et al. Nutrition. 2014 July -
Rustenbeck et al. Nutr Diabetes. 2014
Jun 30;4:e123.
Ferrucci et al. Eur J Cancer Prev.
2014 Jul;23(4):296-302.
Yamada et al. J Epidemiol. 2014 May
24. [Epub ahead of print]
[8] Onakpoya
et al. J Hum Hypertens. 2014 Jun 19. [Epub
ahead of print]
Hallström et al. PLoS One. 2014 May
Loomba et al. Am J Ther. 2014 Jun 17.
[Epub ahead of print]
Meckelburg et al. Lett Appl Microbiol.
2014 Jun 7.
Antonio et al. Planta Med. 2012
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